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A thousand miles always begins with the first step.
Nike Web Consulting has provided IT solutions and web services to Public Administrations and Private since 2002. In a decade we have consolidated our position in the ICT market. Our company is one of the Italian leading system integrator for digital project,
currently working with excellent partners such as Engineering, Accenture, Sistemi Informativi, HP, Aruba, Atos, ISED.
Since 2016 Nike started the way of Internationalization undertaking actions and activities in Europe, Belgium and Netherlands in particular.
Distinctive values and Mission
Our mission is to use the best skills, knowledge and potential of humanresources as well as technology in order to provide the Client a concrete and efficient IT service during the whole lifecycle. We do all this by re-engineeringthe information flows and processes according to the Client’s needs and improving the usability and accessibility of the delivered service.
…to continuously improve through a team work and through a mutual sharing of knowledge and experience demonstrating respect and leaning in people and their abilities.
…as a keyword that allows us to find simple and innovative solutions in relation to models and complex needs.
…to focus attention to Customer needs working hard with the Partners to get best results and to achieve planned objectives. More simply being reliable, ethical and professional.
…for ethical code and current laws.
…capabilities and knowledge of potentials and limitations technologies are the main elements on which we build the professional development of our people.
…is what moves and guides all our steps. People enjoy what they do everyday loving their job!
Organization and Resources
Our small and medium sized enterprise has made easier to build a lean and highly synergistic organization able to respond pro-actively to project needs and technological and market changes.
Organizational structure managers (HR and Administration, Commercial and Technical) share and define strategic goals in close and constant collaboration with the Executive Manager. Those goals gets operative through the daily work of the project teamand the functional departments.
Nike Web Consulting makes use of a multicultural and multiracial team that sees diversity as a fundamental element of corporate wealth to the overall improvement processes both from a business and relational point of view. The industrial capacity optimization is ensured by the satisfaction of every single person focusing on professional and contractual growth.
Main technologies
Main technologies
Nike Web Consulting works in the main fields of IT and uses the following technologies:
We work in Java technology for building platforms in order to manage complex processes for the public administration and for the largest private companies. During the years 2002 to 2016 we delivered solutions and products using consolidated frameworks like Spring, Struts, JSF, Liferay Portal Server and Alfresco ECM.
CMS’s potential are our focus. We count on LAMP technologies to develop portal and web services aiming to the customization of products such as WordPress.
We have updated several application developed by Microsoft technologies using .Net platform and exploiting its potential to have strong and reliable web application. We have faced the development of portal through the Sharepoint Platform.
AngularJs is the Google’s framework for quickly developing web application using the best JavaScript and HTML5 technologies. Thanks to its design patterns and its plugins we were able to be more productive by focusing on the business logic of the application and leave everything else to AngularJs.
Nike Web Consulting has been one of the first Italian companies to work on Alfresco Enterprise Content Management solution, developing portals and document management systems , complied with Italian standards and able to reach specific requirements for the digitalization of Public Administration.
For Nike Web Consulting Oracle DBMS is always the most used persistence platform in data management. We managed several projects where Oracle DBMS technology was central in the design and development phases. Web Application supported by Oracle Database, PL/SQL Store Procedure, ETL Data Warehouse systems, Batch Applications, Scheduled Jobs and much more.
Main projects
Main projects:
Management, maintenance and development of the Information System of Public finance of the General Accounting Ofce for the Ministry of economics and Finance (Nike in partnership with Accenture, Atos and Skyit)
SIT-I, Development, maintenance e support of the Geographic Information System Integrated (Nike in partenership with Accenture and ISED)
- SIPRE - Information System forArchive on-Line Booking
- SIS - Underground Information System
- SIAG - Practicability Information System
Maintenance of the Automated Information System of the Italian senate (Nike in partnership with Engineering
and Sistemi Informativi)
Development and maintenance of the Intranet Portal (Nike in partnership with Engineering)
LAZIOCrea (ex LAit)
- AUAAL - Registry Information System for Agricultural Activities of the lazio Region
- SITARL - Electronic Procurement System of the lazio Regio
Delivery of evolutionary maintenance service for the Internet and Intranet Portal
Home Page Restyling of the corporate web portal
Professional services for software development, maintenance, service and support of the Information Systems managed by IPzs
Development and maintenance of the IsRA - Information System for Registration & Archiving, platform for records management
Design and development of the Document Management Information System
Service and software maintenance of the web site fsac.it
Design and development of the Territorial Management System
Technical service of hardware and software development of the web site uglcredito.it. Design and development of the Subscribers Management System (Myunion)
Design, development and maintenance of the corporate web site irsm.it Maintenance and technical service of hardware and software